Secret Of Ashes: The Phoenix Reborn
Apr 01 to 02 - Asheville, NC
Building on an old Ukranian folktale, this Eastern dance and music company has created a multi- media theatrical ballet that combines live music, dance, and theatre into a unique World Fusion Faerie Tale. Suitable for children of all ages.
Time: Three Shows Only FRI. 7pm & SAT. 7 & 9PM -
Location: Asheville Community Theatre 35 East Walnut Street
Contact: online reservations at info line=825-252-4798
Cost: $15.00 Adults $10.00 Students/Children
And Next.....
Smilefest 2005 is a Memorial Day weekend concert (May 27-29) at Deerfields in Mills River, NC, near the Asheville airport. Anything at Deerfields is guaranteed to be a blast.
Board of Equalization and Review – Scheduled appeal meetings
Press release from Buncombe County: NOTICE: The Board of Equalization and
Review has scheduled their appeal period. PURPOSE OF MEETINGS: To hear,
upon requ...
3 days ago