* Tai Chi - Saturday, January 3, 2009. 3-4:30 PM. Firestorm Cafe & Books, 48 Commerce St. 255-8115
* South Asheville T'Ai Chi
* T'Ai Chi Ch'uan of Asheville
* The Harvest House on Kennilworth Road is starting classes soon. Contact Lee at harvesth@ashevillenc.govor 828-350-2051.
* At Total Tai Chi, Paul Gallagher is taking on a very limited number of personal students-apprentices. If you are profoundly interested in learning the Taiji health arts, and Life Strategy, call 828/628-1629.
* ChiRunning combines modern physics with the ancient wisdom of T’ai Chi to create a running form that is easily learned and makes running more effortless and enjoyable.
Jerry Cain (828) 456-5164 - Asheville, NC
Harry Johnston (828) 298-6221- Asheville, NC
Matt Kabat (828) 778-7467 - Asheville, NC
Brent Neely (828) 253-2207 - Neely School of T'ai Chi - Asheville, NC
Cathy Easterbrook (828) 698-8290 - Therapeutic Touch - Asheville, NC
Martha Sachs (828) 891-4542 - Asheville, NC
Tao Mountain Sanctuary (828) 668-1198 - NC
* Besides Tai Chi the Asheville Calendar lists a veritable cosmic buffet of groups and gatherings. There's an Eckhart Tolle group, a Sufi Healing Circle, the SECRET philosophy, and much more.
* Body Mind Spirit - Conscious Living in and around Asheville, NC.
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