
    Thursday, January 01, 2009

    T'Ai Chi in Asheville

    Is anyone around western North Carolina interested in T'Ai Chi? I'm told that groups are sprouting up all over the place and here are the ones that I'm aware of.

    * Tai Chi - Saturday, January 3, 2009. 3-4:30 PM. Firestorm Cafe & Books, 48 Commerce St. 255-8115

    * South Asheville T'Ai Chi

    * T'Ai Chi Ch'uan of Asheville

    * The Harvest House on Kennilworth Road is starting classes soon. Contact Lee at harvesth@ashevillenc.govor 828-350-2051.

    * At Total Tai Chi, Paul Gallagher is taking on a very limited number of personal students-apprentices. If you are profoundly interested in learning the Taiji health arts, and Life Strategy, call 828/628-1629.

    * ChiRunning combines modern physics with the ancient wisdom of T’ai Chi to create a running form that is easily learned and makes running more effortless and enjoyable.

    Jerry Cain (828) 456-5164 - Asheville, NC
    Harry Johnston (828) 298-6221- Asheville, NC
    Matt Kabat (828) 778-7467 - Asheville, NC
    Brent Neely (828) 253-2207 - Neely School of T'ai Chi - Asheville, NC
    Cathy Easterbrook (828) 698-8290 - Therapeutic Touch - Asheville, NC
    Martha Sachs (828) 891-4542 - Asheville, NC
    Tao Mountain Sanctuary (828) 668-1198 - NC


    * Besides Tai Chi the Asheville Calendar lists a veritable cosmic buffet of groups and gatherings. There's an Eckhart Tolle group, a Sufi Healing Circle, the SECRET philosophy, and much more.

    * Body Mind Spirit - Conscious Living in and around Asheville, NC.