
    Sunday, August 24, 2008

    Spiritual Didgeridoo Workshop: Discovering the Sacredness of Breath & Sound

    828-891-8700 or 684-3798
    Sunday September 7, 2008
    Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
    Unity Center, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Rd

    with Sound Therapist Phil Jones. During this interactive presentation, Australian sound therapist Phil Jones will teach you how to play the didgeridoo, an ancient and sacred wind instrument made from the eucalyptus tree, hollowed out by white ants, decorated with symbolic Dreamtime art, and traditionally played in ceremony and healing by the Aboriginal clans of Australia. Playing the didgeridoo is an entertaining way to explore the power of breath and sound and increase your lung capacity with healing and revitalizing oxygen…Shallow breathers, asthmatics, and smokers particularly benefit. You will discover how simple deep breathing exercises, when combined with the mesmerizing primordial sound of the didgeridoo, will effectively:

    * Balance, Harmonize, and Recharge your Body, Mind, and Soul
    * Erase ‘Thought Clutter’ and enhance Objectivity, Insight, and Clarity
    * Enable you to authentically Express and Connect with your Creative and Intuitive Self

    The primordial vibration of the didgeridoo and the simple breathing techniques help create a state of relaxation, lower blood pressure, relax the heart, improve digestion, and significantly reduce sleep apnea and snoring. Phil will also share the traditional Aboriginal techniques of “Circular/Continuous Breathing” and “Australian Bush” sound effects. Phil studied seven years with an enlightened Hindu teacher (1968-1975) and parallels the didgeridoo, a non-denominational meditation accelerator, with Eastern Philosophy, New Thought, and Aboriginal Traditions.

    No musical experience is necessary. All participants will be provided an authentic Australian didgeridoo to play during the workshop. Didgeridoos and meditation CD’s will be available to purchase after the workshop. Love Offering.

    Friday, August 15, 2008

    2008 Pritchard Park 8

    2008 Pritchard Park 8
    Originally uploaded by anoldent
    PERFORMANCE & INSTRUCTION IN THE PARK - just a few more weeks! Join Baraka Mundi from 5:30-7pm on Wednesdays at Pritchard Park on Patton & College. To see some beautiful shots from last week, visit

    Wednesday - Asheville, NC
    at Pritchard Park in Downtown Asheville

    Summer 2008

    Friday, August 08, 2008

    Haunted High School in Asheville?
