* Asheville Citizen-Times - Subclassification Search Form
* CitizenTimes - CareerBuilder
* Asheville Help Wanted - Job Posting, Recruiting and Resumes
* ESC NC Individual Services NC Job Bank (Employment Office)
* Snag-a-Job
* Local Jobs
* Asheville Job Board (new)
I have previously searched these sites and found good leads.
Headwaters State Forest closed to public
Press release from N.C. Forest Service: Due to wildfires in the area, N.C.
Forest Service officials have implemented a full public closure for
Headwaters ...
2 days ago
I know that it is fruitless, but I just have to bitch about the Asheville job scene. I can apply for a job here that I could not imagine someone else being more qualified for and still not get it. I guess I should learn to submit and deal with the corporate chain stores, but I think that would be a kind of death.
-becoming hopeless in Asheville
Thanks for your viewpoint, since the people considering moving to Asheville often stop in here. It's not terribly hard to find a job, but you may have to settle for less pay than you're worth. And when you figure in the cost of housing, almost as high as Atlanta rates.
Curious if you'd be willing to add two sites. The first is being revamped, but www.merlynsportal.com
The other is www.ashevillejobboard.com
I think you will enjoy, that although the second isnt full yet, the aim is for mom n pop businesses to be able to flourish along side the big boys and to promote jobs toward entry level grads. We'll try to help bring out some of those higher paying never mentioned jobs while also offering a place to businesses seeking to hire someone that can't necessarily stomach a 200 dollar deposit for a job post.
Thanks :) Love the blog!
I've added the Asheville Job Board site to this post. I wish you much success with it.
I have a comprehensive portal site I'm currently finishing up that I'm going to use. Thanks for your input! I appreciate it.
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