from my inbox:
Subject: SUPPORT CALL for Upcoming Anti-SOA Circus Troupe at UNCA, Nov 12
In behalf of the Traveling Bonfires and UNCA's Students for a Democratic Society, I'd like to invite you to a very significant and urgent show on NOVEMBER 12, SUNDAY, 7pm at UNCA's Alumni Hall. The show is called "WHEN THE LEVEE BREAKS" by a touring group called CARDBOARD CHAOS (Uncle Sam's Little Global Circus). This is the Asheville leg of an annual East Coast tour to help shut down the US Army School of the Americas. It features a provocative mix of circus stunts, puppetry, political satire and original music. The show is FREE; donations collected at the show go to Cardboard Chaos' tour
Meantime, The Bonfires also requests any form of help or donation--little cash or spare change, extra accommodation to our visitors etc--to help us make this event a fulfilling, enjoyable and relevant community effort. You can either email me back or call Marta Osborne at 505 0476 for more info.
In case you want to see us, we will be at Pritchard Park this Saturday, OCT 28, from 4pm to 10pm--for The Bonfires' annual Halloween family dance-concert/gathering, "BONFIRES FOR VAMPIRES: Bonfires for Peace at Pritchard Park, Year 3." Touch Samadhi's family of DJs will be spinning records, and we will be giving out free gifts and goodies to kids. GRACIAS!
--Pasckie Pascua
Board of Equalization and Review – Scheduled appeal meetings
Press release from Buncombe County: NOTICE: The Board of Equalization and
Review has scheduled their appeal period. PURPOSE OF MEETINGS: To hear,
upon requ...
3 days ago