Patriots Meeting: August 21, West Asheville NC Library
In the past two weeks there have been two illegal arrests in West Asheville, NC of people simply exercising their right to free speech.
Neither Mark Kuhn, for hanging the US flag upside down, nor Jonas Phillips for holding a sign saying "Impeach Bush-Cheany, "broke any laws.
Mayor Terry Bellamy said in city council on August 15, that she wil not tolerate civi disobedience in her city, and has instructed the Asheville Police Department to quell all such portesting. Counciwoman Robin Cape went on record seroiusly objecting to her comments
On Tuesday, August 21, 6:30-8PM, a special meeting of patriots will covene at the West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Rd. to actively discuss what is to be done.
Plesae tell everyone!
Info 828-254-6620
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