Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 7:00pm
The Garage at Biltmore
101 Fairview Rd. Suite B
The Return of Free Water Project is a multimedia installation exploring issues surrounding the commodification of our world's water supply. We hope that you will join us at 7pm for an educational reception hosted by Ilsa Ananda Door of Creatrix Laboratories. Following the reception, at 8pm, you may mingle and dance the night away to fine local artists for the ear, eye and heart!
The Story of the Oasis…
The Oasis is a grove of trees made from the detritus of the water industry (plastic water & soda bottles, discarded PVC pipe, etc.) linked together to filter rainwater, pond water, or gray water into pure, clean water that you can drink. The Oasis is one phase of the Return of Free Water Project, an immersive, collaborative multimedia installation with the intention of helping people realize that they have the power to make a difference in our world’s water crisis by transforming their own relationship with water.
We invite you to join us in an evening of wonderful music and dance, live art, and transformation. Your donation at the door not only grants you entry to the event but helps the RoFW Project to purchase materials crucial to the timely development of this installation. Art has the powerful ability to draw people’s attention to the relevant issues of our time. When complete, the Return of Free Water will tour the Americas to spread its message to the masses.
For ideas on how you can make a positive difference, opportunities for participation, and for more information about the Project and our world’s water crisis, visit:
http://www.ReturnofFreeWater.org7p - Reception and overview of The Return Of Free Water
8p - 5am(ish) - Music with:
LOGOS (live) http://www.logosmusic.net
Annuaki (live) http://www.touchsamadhi.com/live-acts/Annunaki
Gilbot http://www.ashevillefullmoongatherings.org
Zennsie - TOUCH Samadhi
PoiZen - AVLFMG / TOUCH Samadhi
Visuals by Creatrix Laboratories & Awe Lucid http://www.awelucid.com
$10 entry 21+ to drink