Asheville is a richly spiritual and metaphysical place, maybe because it's surrounded by mountains enjoying heavenly views, and angelic cloud forms, or it could be the huge amount of non-coherent quartz crystal in the ground (trillions of tons!)
It is claimed that this area has more geological vortexes than anywhere in America...or maybe, as legend says, it's the energy that the Atlantian and Lemurian scientists implanted here after their civilization fell into the sea! There are even rumors that the Cherokee (with their blue eyes) were Atlantians. Asheville's mountains (oldest in the world!) tower some 6,800 ft above sea level, the highest point on North America closest to the Atlantic ocean
Asheville is most certainly the New Age mecca and just one more reason why so many people migrate here every year to settle and then buy homes and Asheville real estate.
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